Group Leader
Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Thomas Juffmann
Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Thomas Juffmann
Campus Vienna Biocenter 5
Room: 1.620
1030 Vienna
Postdoctoral Researchers
Ivana Matoušová Víšová
Ivana Matoušová Víšová
Ivana completed her PhD at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University in Prague and at the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Her topic was the study of surface-mediated biomolecular interactions in complex biological media applied to functional low-fouling coatings and biosensor development. Ivana has now joined the Juffmann group with an MSCA postdoctoral fellowship. Outside work she is an artist. She loves dancing and sports and teaches oriental dance and yoga.
PhD Students
Hanieh Jafarian
Hanieh Jafarian
Hanieh comes from Iran where she completed her BSc in Optics and Laser Engineering. She then went on to complete a MSc in Photonics making her the only qualified person in the Juffmann lab to build a microscope. In her free time Hanieh enjoys long walks along the Donau and hanging out with friends.
Oliver Lueghamer
Oliver Lueghamer
Martino Zanetti
Martino Zanetti
Martino grew up in Milan, but his heart is in the mountains. He loves all kinds of adventures and dangerous activities involving rocks and snow at high altitudes and in wild or uncomfortable conditions. His career in physics began at the age of 3, when he destroyed the toys his parents gave him in order to understand how they worked. Later in life he became more serious and decided to study physics at the University of Milan, specialising in non-neutral plasma physics.
Ilia Zykov
Ilia Zykov
Ilia grew up in Siberia. Up in the mountains he naturally acquired a love for hiking. He enjoys ballroom dancing, playing piano and photography. Sometimes he even likes doing Physics. Ilia first joined the Juffmann Lab as an undergraduate working with Dante. After this amazing experience working with such an inspirational supervisor he decided to join the Juffmann Lab for his PhD.
Master Students
Tilman Kraeft
Tilman Kraeft
Tilman completed his bachelor at the University of Rostock before moving to Vienna. He is now a master student in the Juffman group, working with Luis, Martino and Zdeněk on the integration of a high-power femtosecond laser with an electron microscope. In addition to physics, he is enrolled in the Master's programme in Epistemology of Science and Technology at the University of Vienna. In his free time he likes to explore artistic and political environments with his friends.
Luis Alfredo Ixquiac Mendez
Luis Alfredo Ixquiac Mendez
Luis is doing a Masters in Mathematics, specialising in Logic and Geometry and Topology. Electromagnetism is one of his favourite areas of physics. The phrase "Whenever someone notices a new behaviour that no one has seen before, a set of events that occur with such a frequency that we simply can't ignore, when that happens, a new element in the set of human knowledge has been born" (The Mechanical Universe... And Beyond), brought Luis to science.
Philipp Redfern
Philipp Redfern
With a career as a professional surfer or musician seemingly out of reach, Philipp decided to become a physicist instead. About to start his Master's degree here in Vienna, he decided it would be a good idea to get some practical experience, which led him to join the Juffmann Lab. He still enjoys all kinds of sports with a board under his feet. He also likes to annoy his flatmates with his homemade analogue synthesizer, making all kinds of weird and funky noises.
Victoria Helm
Victoria Helm
Victoria is doing her BSc in Physics at the University of Vienna. As part of her bachelor thesis she joined the Juffmann lab and is working on the FLIM project. When she's not bouldering or practicing martial arts, she likes to play the piano and listen to heavy metal.
Florian Sauer
Florian Sauer
Florian is a passionate piano player who decided to start studying Microbiology after losing a bet. He has since paid his way out of the bet and decided to pursue a degree in Physics where he gets to write long and fancy equations on blackboards. It's still not clear if he actually enjoys this or simply lost another bet. He's the one on the left in the picture but it would be more impressive if he were the one on the right.
Zdeněk Nekula
Zdeněk Nekula
Zdeněk is originally a beekeeper, which is a family tradition. As beekeeping and nanotechnology are very similar, both clean, complex and small, Zdeněk decided to become a microscope developer. The first microscope he built was a laser scanning Kerr microscope in CEITEC Brno. Then he worked in the ThermoFisher factory for electron microscopes. And now, finally, he is combining all his experiences here in Vienna, where he is trying to control an electron microscope with a laser. In his free time he likes long walks in the mountains, swing dancing, martial arts and parties.
Ece İpek Saruhan
Ece İpek Saruhan
Ece İpek Saruhan has joined our group as a guest researcher for six months.
Post graduates
Raphaël Marchand
Manpreet Kaur
Marius Constantin Chirita Mihaila
Philipp Weber
Peter Kunnas
Master Students
Danie Aziz
Magdalena Häupl
Jan Pac
Matthias Schneller
Lucas Grandits
Felix Hitzelhammer
Undergraduates and Interns
Elvira Pilgram
Mariana Schmid
Daniel Aziz
Marc Nairn
Lukas Kienesberger
Abhilash Kulkarni
Anna Scheiblauer
Nikolaos Lagos
Stefan Plott
Rémi Aristegui
Francisco Uiblein
Franz Pfanner
Alissa Freilinger
Ignasi Simon Grau
Nele Jarnot